
I love coding and providing a great experience for users. :D

I have been programming for over 10 years, when web systems were using html tables.

I started programming with C and PHP in the beginning, and since then I have been fascinated for algorithms. I’ve majored in Computer Science, from the best university in my state, where I improved my mathematical skills and I learned Java and NodeJS.

Planning a project from the start to the end and seeking to deliver to the client a product that helps them with efficient solutions are a pleasure to me.

My last article was published in CISTI (Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2017) with the theme: Geographic information system with public participat on IoS system. Click Here to see more informations.

Michael Silva Logo
  • Michael Rodrigues da Silva
  • Michael Silva Brazil Flag
  • 27 years old
  • Michael Silva Experience
    +9 years of experience
  • I am brazilian, I love playing soccer, I enjoy playing video-games and running in the park.
  • I am currently studying for an Master's degree in Software Engineering at UnB.
  • I work for Stefanini and Bank of Brazil.


  • HTML5 CSS3 jQuery Javascript

    Create projects using my experience with (UX/UI), combined with a clean and organized code, made with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Js.

  • Gulp Sass AngularJs Bootstrap

    I use Sass, AngularJs, Angular2, TypeScript, Gulp and Bootstrap (reponsive components) to create modularized codes and accelerate development.

  • C PHP NodeJs Java

    To create back-end projects I study Algorithms and the specifics languages (C, PHP, NodeJS, Java and Scala). I use to find out what language is better for each project.

  • Mysql Elastic Search SQL Mongo DB

    Configuring and data persistence with relational database (Mysql, SQL) and non relational (Mongo DB). To improve search performance I use Elastic Search.

  • Photoshop Fireworks Github Cloud

    Idealization of the projects (UX/UI) with PS and FW. Git/Github to control the versions of projects. Configuration of the Cloud (Bluemix, Aws and Azure).

  • Swift Android Ionic

    In addition developing hybrid applications with Ionic (1 and 2) (+ Angular, HTML5, CSS3), I can develop native applications with Swift and Java (Android).

Latest Projects

See some of my works, any questions, please contact me <3


This open source project is in Github.
Designed and coded with lots of by myself.